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You can also change it there if you find a mistake. The letter will have a confirmation link - simply follow it. Make sure you check that the e-mail did not end up in the Spam folder by mistake. Look closely at the website page. The Logout button is in the top right-hand corner of the screen, next to the orange News button and the Help button. Once you click Logout, you will log off from the website. Sometimes we conduct maintenance on the website, which might cause some pages to load slower than usual.

Such maintenance takes no longer than a few hours. If you are constantly experiencing difficulties loading the website, please contact your Internet provider. Most likely, you are entering an incorrect password or you need to clear cookies in your browser. Restore your password and delete cookies. You can use the Wallet to pay for additional services on the website quickly and conveniently. See the full list of available methods for adding to the Wallet and bonus information. I paid for the service using a text message, however Please send a request to Customer Support Service.

I paid for the service using a text message. I received a reply that the request was invalid, but my account was charged. You have most likely made an error in the message prefix. You will not appear in the Gallery while there are unmoderated photos in your Just Me Album. Your photo will appear in the Faces Gallery immediately after moderation. You do not need to be logged in at the time. Subscription is a convenient method of payment that allows automatic renewal of Premium Account and Adding to Wallet.

The service is available to credit card and mobile phone owners.

When you subscribe, you no longer have to worry that access to your favorite service will suddenly run out. Once you subscribe you no longer need to repeat the tiresome procedure for entering credit card or phone information. You can Unsubscribe at any time in your account Settings. You have accepted the Service Terms of Use and gave permission to pay for your subscription automatically using your bank card or mobile account when you connected the service.

Automatic subscription renewal of your loveplanet. Your will be charged for the same amount that you paid when you subscribed, using the same payment method. For example, if you choose a 6-month subscription for 1, rubles, then 1, You can decline automatic service renewal using your bank card in your Account Settings. Go to Settings and unpin your card in the Credit Card section. I would like to cancel payment for subscription using my mobile phone account. Ways to cancel a mobile subscription are described on this page. You need to unpin the previous card on your account Settings.

Then log in to the Service Connection page and subscribe again, entering new card information. The card will be automatically pinned to your account when you pay for the service. You can also unsubscribe in your phone Settings. See here for more detailed instructions. You can easily restore your password by following this link if you remember your registration e-mail or username. Bear in mind that the mail server might send the message to your Spam folder. Please check it before sending a request to Customer Support.

Go to the restore password page, enter your registration e-mail and click Send Password. Your password and username will be e-mailed to you. You can also find your Profile using Search. The Profile URL ends with your username. For example: You can find your Profile using Search. Then contact Customer Support Service and ask them to retrieve your registration e-mail.

Make sure to include your username. Go to Account Settings. Find the E-mail Notification Settings. Uncheck checkmarks for notifications that you are not interested in. Click Accept. It is impossible to change your username. You can register a new profile by choosing an available username. You can delete your profile in your Account Settings. Remember, you cannot restore a deleted profile! Click on the Update Personal Information link underneath your profile, update the information and click Save.

As a rule, these problems are due to browser malfunction. It might be that your browser has important functions disabled or malfunctioning. Try to install a different browser Mozilla Firefox , Opera , Chrome. If editing problems persist, describe them to our experts at Customer Support Service. In order for the profile to show up in the Search, you need to specify whom you are looking for.

You have probably skipped this step. Select the General tab and click on the Edit link next to the Contacts block.

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To remove your profile from Search you need to remove the information on whom you are looking for. Try to be more specific in your search. If you wish to get the best results, find a person with a certain hair color, eye color, hobbies or sexual preferences, for example, get the Premium Account. The Advanced Search option, with results displayed on the website or sent to your e-mail, is available to all Premium Account users. It might be that your search criteria are too narrow.

Status message

Uncheck Select Only: Try to widen your search criteria. You need to confirm your Profile in order to read the message. A confirmation code is sent to the e-mail address entered at registration.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you enter a real e-mail, otherwise you will not be able to use the website to its full extent. If you are experiencing difficulties reading messages in a confirmed Profile, try to login to your Messages using another browser. We recommend: You need to confirm your Profile in order to send a message. If you are experiencing difficulties sending messages in a confirmed Profile, try to login to your Messenger using another browser.

Make sure that messages are really sent to you. If you have not boosted your Profile for a while, it dropped in Search results and you will have very little traffic. If you are sure that messages were sent to you but you have not received them, please contact our Customer Support Service. Please include the username of the user whose messages you are not receiving. Go to your Contacts, checkmark the user and move them to the Black List.

Сайт знакомств

You will never again receive any messages from this user. User categories. There is an option on the website to turn off messages from certain categories of users. The Message Filter is provided at no additional cost as part of the Premium Account. You can turn the messages off altogether! Try to send messages to other users.

If you get answers - there is no reason to suppose that your recipient is not receiving your messages. The user may not have logged in or is busy and will reply later. Move a contact to the Favorites folder so it does not get lost in the General folder of your messenger. To move a contact to Favorites put a checkmark next to it, scroll down to the Move to Folder Then click on Move.

If a user barrages you with annoying messages to which you do not want to reply, you can Blacklist them. See Add User to Black List. Go to your Messages. Put a checkmark next to the user you want to Blacklist. Scroll down to the Move to Folder Select Black List and click on Move. Remember that you will not receive any messages from the user until you take them off the Black List.

You cannot delete a message sent to another user. There is also no way to partially delete a chat with a user. You can completely delete a correspondence thread with a user by moving it to the Deleted folder and emptying it. Редактировать раздел "ЦЕЛЬ знакомства". Смотрим скрин экрана. Как дополнить раздел цель знакомства? Можно ли изменить оформление анкеты на мамбе сделать цветной фон?

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Подскажите, пожалуйста, где находятся настройки в новом дизайне. Зарегистрировался в мамбе поставил не правильно год, удалил.

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  • Status message.

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Удалить фотографию на моей странице Мамба Зайдите в альбом, наведите курсор на фотографию. Смотрим скрин экрана mamba как изменить страну и город в анкете? Как удалить анкету в mamba? Не могу найти как мне удалить мою страницу на мамбе Делается это просто. Редактировать раздел "Цель знакомства" в мамба. Блокировка анкеты по ip-адресу вследствие нарушения соглашения.

Адрес техподдержки. Светлана 11 мая Как изменить язык общения на мамба? Комментарий Модератора На какой? Модератор Здравствуйте. Модератор Добрый день. Как поменять город в анкете Модератор Здравствуйте. Жаль, что Вы не прочитали статью. Как поменять пол ,нажал женский,блин а я мужик Комментарий Модератора Нигде пол не указывается! Guest 24 дек. Мне пишут поменять имя и банят Комментарий Модератора Кто банит? Как удалиться из мамаба? Я заблокирован. Ramai 7 марта Terms and Conditions, Пользовательское соглашение Политика конфиденциальности.